Lo Howlers,

Welcome to Operation Hazard Bedlam 3.0.

If you played last time, you know the general parameters. If not...well, welcome to the chaos.

The game is pretty simple — here’s a quick outline! make sure you scroll down for the full details.


July 19-26 We will sell gamepieces (available from July 19-26, while supplies last). A set number of these pieces are automatic winners.


Aug 1-31 Bring your best self to rep your color as we pitch all them in a battle against each other on Discord.

Sept 1-8 Each Color selects their final Champions.

Sept 9 The Color Champions go head to head to find the Ultimate Champ

STAGE: 01 // JULY 19-26



Stage 01 is simple:

Pick and purchase any quantity of any Color Gamepiece for a chance to win.
Stickers will be available for purchase via from July 19-26.

1 out of every 100 Gamepieces is a winning Gamepiece.

Word to the wise: Choose the Color(s) you most connect with on a personal level, because stage 2 involves duking it out for primacy of your Color for a chance to win a Howler Name.

PRIZE 01: Red God Cameo

(1 Winner) 

If you find yourself the lucky holder of this single, unique Gamepiece, first off: take a deep breath. You will soon have to answer a set of questions from Pierce Brown himself about you and why you connect with a particular Color. From your answers he will create an official character in Red God based on you, as the color of your choice.

Please note: ALL text in the forthcoming book is obviously at Pierce’s sole approval. While we will guarantee your character an appearance, how that character appears, whether they die a grisly death or live gloriously, their official name and ALL other decisions are entirely up to Howler One.

PRIZE 02: Red God ARC

(10 Winners) 

If you find yourself one of the lucky few who landed this Gamepiece you will receive one Advance Readers Copy (ARC) of Red God, shipping whenever these things ship.

PRIZE 03: Dominus

(1 out of every 100 stickers):

If you open your order and see the glimmer of a Gold Sigil, congratulations. You’ve not only won the genetic lottery, you will also be the recipient of a custom Dominus/Domina/Dominum T-Shirt.


If you find yourself to be a lucky sticker holder of any variety, simply shoot us an email at with a photo of the sticker and your order number. Our helpful email goblin will collect the information we need for your specific prize.

IMPORTANT: Stage 01 prizewinners have until SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 to collect their prize.

STAGE: 02 //




Step 01:

Join your Color Channel on the Hazard Bedlam 3.0 Discord

Each Color Gamepiece admits its holder to the corresponding dedicated Color Channel. While you are welcome to join as many channels as you like, we recommend focusing on the Color (or Colors) you most identify with personally. This channel is your new home and we hope you settle in and chat amongst yourselves. You may submit up to one post PER Color you have joined!

You will note that there are no Gamepieces available for Golds: This is because being Gold is obviously winning the genetic lottery, and being such can’t be purchased.

New to Discord? Not to worry! It’s a pretty simple set up and we will have folks ready to help with any questions. The Discord isn’t open prior to the start of the game, so if you’re here a bit early and can’t get in, don’t worry! If you can’t find an answer to your question on our FAQ’s, simply shoot us an email at and we will get you sorted.

Step 02:

Post Your Pitch

Between August 1 and August 31, each player will be allowed to submit their entry through a form in their Color Arena(s) to serve as their champion against their fellow colormates. Your posts will be shared in the appropriate Arenas by your helpful Lit Escalates crew, for your colormates to vote on during the voting period.

Each post should include a short statement about why you most represent the values and characteristic of your chosen Color along with a photo or a video of the player with their Gamepiece. Be creative! Show off your workplace, your passion, and the parts of yourself that connect to vocation and calling.

OHB 3.0 is all about community, and we want to create a space where folks can come together and connect with other Howlers around the world.

Please note: while you are more than welcome to submit an entry for someone else who you think really represents that Color, this is only allowed with their explicit permission.

Step 03:

Select Your Champion

Between September 1-7 2024, all Color Channel members will vote internally for their favorite submission via discord poll. The champion of each color will be selected by popular acclaim. We ask that you vote for the submission you think most represents the true heart and soul of your chosen Color.

PRIZES: Each selected Color Champion will receive an Official Howler Name bestowed upon them by Pierce Brown, along with a custom, commemorative T-Shirt emblazoned with their new call sign. The Lit Escalates crew will reach out to each champion to collect the necessary information.

Step 04:

Battle to the Death… Live… On the Internet.

The final stage of our ridiculous game is going to be the most fun - each Color Champion will go head to head in a series of bracketed death matches to select one final winner. Ok ok just kidding. Sort of.

While we won’t ask the Champions to survive the Passage, we will have a bracketed series of “battles” wherein the winner is selected by dice roll, eventually leading to one final, surviving Color Champion who shall be crowned Sovereign.

These “battles” will take place via a livestream with Pierce & Joel on Sunday, September 8, 2024.

FINAL PRIZE: Along with the tears of their enemies and eternal bragging right, our final Champion will receive a custom, commemorative jacket emblazoned with their call sign.




Please stick responsibly.

We are by no means asking you to place stickers anywhere that breaks any laws or puts you in any danger. Participating in this game is entirely at your own risk, and your placement decisions are entirely your own. 

Please don’t stick on the front of signs – the authorities get a bit more touchy when safety is involved… or tourism… or the economy is affected.

There are plenty of places you can legally place your stickers. Like everything you own and anywhere you can join a grouping of other cool stickers. Many bars, sport shops, clubs are happy to add to their sticker collections and decor… just ask if they’ll include your sticker.


  1. Be Kind to each other.

  2. No, really — this game is all about community, and we WILL boot anyone from the discord who is an ass. Hard stop, no exceptions and no warnings.

  3. To that end, harassment, discriminatory or abusive language and behavior will not be tolerated. 

  4. Keep it clean(ish). Please refrain from posting explicit images or text (profanity is fine).

  5. Failure to follow these rules will result in a boot from the server and permanent disqualification from this year’s Hazard Bedlam game.