A summary for the reading allergic: Below you will find the details for Stage 02: The Battle of the Colors, organized as part of Hazard Bedlam 3.0. In Stage 02, all participants will join a Discord channel based on their chosen color and submit a photo or video showcasing why they best represent that color's values. Channel members vote for their favorite submission, and the selected Color Champions compete in a series of "battles" to determine the ultimate winner. Our goal is foster community interaction and celebrate the spirit of the Red Rising series, and we hope you will join us!

Anyone who ordered a game-piece will automatically receive an email with the discord invite link on August 1st. This email will also have helpful tips for folks using Discord for the first time!

Please note: Due to the adult themes in these books, the Discord is for those 18+ only


What is Discord?
Discord is a platform hosting independent servers devoted to specific interests. Anything you like to talk about there is probably a Discord server for, from sports to roleplaying games to local events to literature to literally anything. Once you join the Discord server, you will be able to find all the below details there as well!


  • 1. Be Kind to each other.

  • 2. No, really — this game is all about community, and we WILL boot anyone from the discord who is an ass. Hard stop, no exceptions and no warnings.

  • 3.) The use of slurs, or other offensive language will not be tolerated

  • 4.) No personal attacks

  • 4.) No harassment of any kind.

  • 5.) No nudity or explicit content (sorry pinks!).

  • 6.) Basically, act right. Take a second before you post anything that could conceivably fall under any of these no-no categories. If it does, don’t post it! Failure to follow these rules may result in a ban from the server and disqualification from Hazard Bedlam 3.0. With these things in mind, have fun building community with your fellow Howlers!

How does it work?
Discord servers are chat venues where members can post text, images, and links, and interact with each other. Each server is subdivided into channels. In the case of Hazard Bedlam 3.0, these channels are the Colors from the Red Rising series. There are also subchannels for discussion and posting of HB entries, called, for example #pink and #pink-arena. For general Pink related activities, please use the #pink subchannel. For your official Hazard Bedlam entry, please use the google link found in the #pink-arena. There are also general chats where everyone can interact, like #agora and #book-club.

What do the roles entail?
The roles will determine your posting privileges! If you’re a Violet, for example, you’ll be able to post an entry and vote in #violet-arena, but not in #red-arena or #silver-arena. You’ll still be able to see what the competition is up to, but you’ll have to wait till the official Battle of the Colors to taste their blood.

How do I get on the HB discord?
If you ordered a gamepiece you will receive an email from shop@lit-escalates.com with a discord invite link on August 1st. Just follow that and you’ll get to the landing page and the orientation questionnaire, where you will choose what Color you want to represent.

What are you looking for in terms of entries?
It doesn’t matter what we’re looking for, more how well you are able to sway other members of your Color. So engage in the community chat sections for a while, get to know your fellow howlers, make friends and gather allies! Then, when it comes time for the bloodbath, get your submission in ASAP.

How do I submit?
You will submit your post using google form links, which can be found in the channel description of each dedicated Color Arena. You will be asked to submit your email, name, discord handle, a photograph of you (or some other way of repping your Color) with your sigil sticker, and a short statement (2000 characters max!) making your case to your fellows why you deserve to represent your Color in the Battle of the Colors. No explicit content please, and all posts will be shared only at the discretion of Lit Escalates.

How do I vote?
The process is slightly different for Discord on desktop as opposed to mobile. On desktop, hovering over the post will bring up a small palette of options, highlighted in pink in the image below.

Clicking on the smiling emoji will bring up a sub-palette of options, like so:

To cast your vote, click the sigil associated with your Color! Easy as.

To vote on mobile tap and hold on a post to bring up a palette of recently used emojis:

Tap the gray smiley emoji at far right to open up your sub pallets:

Then, just tap your color sigil and your vote will be added to the post! Easy as.


Step 01:

Join your Color Channel on Discord

Each Color Gamepiece admits its holder to the corresponding dedicated Color Channel. While you are welcome to join as many channels as you like, we recommend focusing on the Color you most identify with personally. This channel is your new home and we hope you settle in and chat amongst yourselves.

You will note that there are no Gamepieces (or Channel) available for Golds: This is because being Gold is obviously winning the genetic lottery, and as such can’t be purchased.

Step 02:

Post Your Pitch

From August 1-31, each player will be allowed to submit one entry to their Color Arena(s) with a photo or a video of them with their Gamepiece and a bit about why you most represent the values and characteristics of your chosen Color.

These submissions must be made through the dedicated Arena channel for your Color, where you will find a google form link. Entries made anywhere but this google form link will not be eligible for the voting period!

In the last two iterations of this crazy game we really loved how folks showed us their workplaces, their art, and the parts of themselves that connected to vocation and calling. OHB 3.0 is all about community, and at its heart we want to create a space where folks can come together and connect with other Howlers around the world.

Please note: while you are more than welcome to submit an entry for someone else who you think really represents that Color, this is only allowed with their explicit written permission.

Step 03:

Select Your Champion

All Color Channel members will vote internally for their favorite submission by means of in-channel emoji reactions. Only the reacts of the appropriate Color will be counted as votes; normal reacts will not be counted. The post with the most votes will be selected as champion for their associated Color. In the event of a tie, a dice roll on our end will determine the champion.

We ask that you don’t vote for yourself, but instead vote for the submission you think most represents the true spirit of your chosen Color. 

PRIZES: Each selected Color Champion will receive an Official Howler Name bestowed upon them by Pierce Brown, along with a custom, commemorative T-Shirt emblazoned with their new callsign.

Step 04:

Battle to the Death… Live… On the Internet.

The final stage of our ridiculous game is going to be the most fun - each Color Champion will go head to head in a series of bracketed death matches to select one final winner. Ok, ok, just kidding. Sort of.

While we won’t ask the Champions to survive the Passage, we will have a bracketed series of “battles” wherein the winner is selected by dice roll, eventually leading to one final, surviving Color Champion who shall be crowned Sovereign.

These “battles” will take place via a livestream with Pierce & Joel on the final day of the event.

FINAL PRIZE: The ultimate champion will receive the VERY SAME DICE used to decide their fate presented in an attractive container, along with a custom embroidered jacket.